Hotel Heerenveen
Hotel Heerenveen is located a 2-minute drive from the A7 and A32. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi and free parking.
You can relax in the restaurant or on the terrace. A breakfast is offered every morning.
The hotel can help you organize a number of activities like golf, ice skating and sailing on the Frisian Lakes. You can rent bikes directly at the hotel to explore the countryside and the Oranjewoud Park.
From Hotel Heerenveen, you can reach both Sneek and Leeuwarden in a 20-minute drive. The Abe Lenstra is only 5 minutes' drive away and the Thialf Stadium is just over a 10 minutes away by car.
Type de chambres | Max. | |
Chambre simple | Voir les tarifs | |
Chambre Double Confort avec Douche | x 3 | |
Double douche | x 3 | |
Montrer plus de chambres. |