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Apartmaji Misotic

Misotič Apartments are located in the village of Gozd Martuljek, that is 4 km from Kranjska Gora, on the left side of the main road Jesenice-Kranjska Gora. In each apartment may stay from 2 up to 6 people. Apartments are spacious and bright, and every apartment has a view of the mighty mountain peak Spik. Our apartment house is located close to bike trails. In the winter, in the immediate vicinity of the apartments also runs track for cross-country skiing. Each apartment has one parking space, around the house there is a lawn with playground. The apartment on the ground floor is adapted for disabled people. In the immediate vicinity of the apartments is a local restaurant, ATM and post office with a small food store.

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Apartamento 1 info x 4 Visualizza prezzi
Apartmento 2 info x 6
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Apartmaji Marija Pristavec

I due appartamenti si trovno in cetro di Kranjska gora dietro il ristorante Cvitar e l'albergo Kotnik a 400 m dalla pista da sci e 100 m dal Hit Casino. Vietato fumare nell'appartamento.  

Tipologie camere Max.  
Appartamento piano terra info x 6 Visualizza prezzi
Upper apartment info x 6