Hotel Kranjska Gora

Vršiška cesta 38 4280 Kranjska Gora, Slovenie

Dear guest,

thank you for your reservation and interest shown in our hotel Kranjska Gora.

We would like to inform you that until end of December of 2023 city tax will be 2,00€ per adult person per day and for the children from 6,99 year old until 17,99 years old 1,00€ per person per day.

From 01.01.2024 the city tax will be 2,50€ per adult person per day.
And for the children from 6,99 years old until 17,99 years old will be 1,25€ per person per day.

Free city tax remains for the kids until which are 6,99 years old.

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to host you. 

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