Changes can be made to the guest’s booking details up to 7 days prior to arrival (date, number of guests, extended stay, etc.). From day 6 prior to arrival, all costs incurred by the changes will be charged for.
Guests may cancel their booking up to 6 days before arrival. For cancellations after 6 days prior to arrival, the following amounts will be charged:
50% of the total booked stay or package price between 6 and 2 days prior to arrival;
100% of the total cost for cancellations made 2 days or less before arrival.
All accounts or bills are to be paid in cash on arrival or at the latest on the day of the guest’s departure, except where expressly stated otherwise. Any accounts or bills not paid by their due date will automatically and without prior notification incur interest charged at 15% per annum, with a minimum of € 50.00. The Courts in Bruges have sole jurisdiction to rule on any disputes.
Through this page you can cancel a previously made booking. The provider will be contacted.